# Quick Start

# Download

Download and install After installing GameAI.win, you need to register an account.

# Run

  • Double click GameAI.win.exe to start

# Login

  • You can now log in with the test account test password test

# Home

Online Offline Pause script Restart script Scheduled shutdown

  • Orange means the host is suspended, green means working, and grey means disabled.

# Add console

  1. Click the + button
  2. Enter the host name, host IP, port, user name, select the script
  3. Click the Save icon in the upper right corner, Save host information

# Host pairing


# PlayStation

Online Offline Pause script Restart script Scheduled shutdown

  1. Click the `Go Online' icon of the host you want to go online in the host list
  2. If you connect for the first time, you need to perform [host pairing] (#host pairing)
  3. Enter the pairing code to pair
  4. When you need to pair the host, please manually operate the host to reach the pairing page and check the pairing code
  5. After successfully connecting to the host, the screen projection screen will be displayed

# Switch

  1. Coming soon

# Connect to host

Online Offline Pause script Restart script Scheduled shutdown

  1. Click the Go Online button on the corresponding host tab to connect to the host

# Run the script

  1. After the host is successfully connected, the selected script will be automatically started
  2. If you want to change the script, please directly click the corresponding host in the host list, select the script, save it, and it will take effect immediately.

# Costom script

  1. If you need a custom script, please refer to developer